Fabric Feature: Vitale Barberis Canonico

Vitale Barberis Canonico, or VBC, is a fabric mill renowned for weaving some of the finest wool fabrics in the world. For centuries, this family-owned Italian company has been producing luxurious and timeless fabrics that are sought after by fashion lovers, tailors, and connoisseurs of fine-quality suitmaking. Let’s explore what makes VBC fabric so special.

History of Vitale Barberis Canonico Fabric

Vitale Barberis Canonico has been producing wool fabrics since 1663. Over the course of centuries, their process has been refined to become one of the most reliable and consistent sources of luxury wool fabrics on the market today. Each year they produce millions of meters of fabric which are distributed around the globe for use in both garments and upholstery. In addition to their classic suiting fabrics, they also offer a range of other products such as tweeds and sports jackets.

The Benefits of VBC Fabric

VBC’s fabric is known for its exceptional quality, and there are several key benefits that make it a top choice among suitmakers around the world:

Softness: VBC fabric is renowned for its softness compared to other wools on the market - making it more comfortable to wear during formal occasions or long days at work.

Durability: VBC fabric is known to withstand years of wear with minimal signs of fading or wear - perfect for those who want their suits to last a lifetime.

Style Variety: VBC offers a wide variety of styles ranging from traditional to modern looks - ensuring that you can find something that fits your taste and budget.

Quality Guarantee: All fabric from Vitale Barberis Canonico is guaranteed to meet their standards for quality - ensuring that you get exactly what you paid for every time.

Vitale Barberis Canonico offers some of the best wool fabrics available on the market today. Their centuries-old milling process ensures that each piece is crafted with care and precision - resulting in luxurious suits that will stand up to years of wear and tear while maintaining their timeless style. If you're looking for an investment piece that will last longer than just one season, consider investing in a suit made with Vitale Barberis Canonico fabric; you won't regret it!

Book now to create your own custom suit with Capitol Hill Clothiers using Vitale Barberis Canonico’s iconic fabrics

Capitol Hill Clothiers VBC fabric swatch

How Can You Customize a Custom Suit?


Fabric Feature: Harris Tweed